It's that time of year.
That's right.
High school employment.
I decided I was going to apply to an array of stores, anything from shoe to grocery stores, and try luck. Anything to get out of the house for the Summer and make money before my mom started applying for me.
The first store I applied to, a grocery store, didn't respond for a time, until I was at a convention. She asked me some questions, and I got an interview.
Yes, though it was a grocery store, the first place I applied to and I already had an interview. *applauds*
Now, for most people, this is a walk in the park. It's a grocery store. What could possibly go wrong?
Not a lot actually. Being socially awkward as I was though, when she called, I was at a conference. Not being able to hear her very well, I promised to call back. I did, we set up an interview, but at this point it was too late. The poor socially awkward me had already decided that I was never going to get a job, because I sucked at life, and had to call her back. She probably hated me. Granted, I did have an interview, but she was being nice I told myself.
So on Monday, I spent the entire day stressing out. When I did finally leave for the interview, I realized I had left my social security number at home. I just happened to need it. Now, let me stop and say this, it takes fifteen minutes to get anywhere from my house. I had twenty minutes to get to the interview, and we now had to turn around. I was ready to die.
Going home and making it back made me late by three minutes. None of that mattered. I had failed and BAMN! Back to job hunting for me.
Turns out, they didn't hate me. They were just preparing for me as well. Win win situation. :)
They gave me a bunch of stuff to answer, which I did as best I could, and was offered a job position. I'm excited. And scared. Because, you know, socially awkward. I'm doomed.
Just know, you can get a job. Your first job doesn't have to be Disney, but don't worry. God has a plan. :)