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Monday, June 9, 2014

What do you mean it's not a living nightmare?

I'm back, again.

This post is going to be a little more family oriented. I'm not going to go into a huge amount of detail, I don't really need to, but I was hoping to get a point across. My life is not a living nightmare.

Sure, I can be over-dramatic and anti-climatic at times, but just because my family is large, and I only have one sister, does not make my life interesting, chaotic, or any other stereotypical words applicable in today's society. Honestly, when I tell you my mom has eight kids (myself included) and is pregnant with her ninth child and that I only have one sister, save me the time, and don't look surprised. I've seen, and heard, it all. "Wow, it must be a pain to study," and, " I bet you fight all the time." Yes, I'm sure our family of ten fights all the time, that's why were still alive and functioning.

The fact that I have so many siblings, actually means the opposite. Sure, we have our disagreements, but we also have to work together to make sure there isn't ten people constantly yelling. If all we ever did was fight nothing would get done. If I wasn't friends with my siblings I would have no one at my back. We're basically our own little society. Sure, it's odd and "old-fashioned", but my parents chose to have us. They chose to raise us. So shouldn't we at least chose to get along?

 I understand, we can be overwhelming. Not everyone has nine kids, certainly  not today, but nine doesn't mean chaos. If anything, it means more love. I get to come home everyday with little brothers looking up to me and asking "how was work", what could be better? In the long run, I get a little glimpse of why my parents had us.

So, please, don't mark my life as a living hell the moment I mention that I have a billion siblings. I enjoy cake and movies just as much as the next person, I simply have more minions.

God bless,


1 comment:

  1. I only have one sibling and I don't understand why people find the fact you have 7 and 1/2 siblings weird I don't know. Your family is awesome! my house is to quiet. A lot of things are more enjoyable with kids, Christmas for one thing, as ive gotten older , Christmas has gained an certain amount of stress, but 2hours with kids whom are still in absolute happiness and at it, returns the Christmas spirit quicker than anything. other things like the zoo, and birthdays hold more joy with kids. and yes while I know that kids do make things interesting , that's not always a bad thing
