Hello fellow writers!
I don't think I've posted much recently, but I shall do my absolute best to get on top of that. More blogging for me, yay!
Another thing, anyone else see that new movie X-Men: Days of Future Past?
Ok, not so new. Actually, it came out last year during the Summer. But I have recently seen it, so I'm using that excuse to shamelessly talk about it!
Why? You ask.
Well, until three months ago, I had never touched anything having to do with X-Men.
Don't get me wrong, I really didn't have anything against it, I just had never had any reason to want to watch it before. The plots looked dull, Wolverine was a scary dude (We've talked before on how easily I get scared), and the animation looked horrific (Not gonna lie here, twelve years later, and the animation hasn't gotten much better). Somehow though, the newest X-Men reached my radar, and some months later I had dragged my sister into watching it with me.
I won't go into any boring details on how that came about, but the movie was awesome. Honestly, it changed my opinion on the movie base as a whole. So, I watched all the other X-Men movies in the period of four weeks (Weak game, I know), and finally got to watch The Wolverine. (I watched it after the four week binge, but in m defense, I had forgotten about that particular movie).
There are many deep, and thought inspiring reasons why I love this particular group of superheros. but I'm going to be less insightful today and give a blunt reason as to why I love these movies. (Did I word that correctly? I feel like I worded that wrong.)
I like the characters. Shock of all shock, I know. But the X-Men characters are so distinctive in everything they do that it's nearly impossible not to be attached to at least one of them.
For instance: Logan and his frequent use of "bub", especially when the person he's referring to is on his bad side at the moment.
Kind of weird, vague, and slightly a rant I had to get that out there.
Anyways, live on my nerdy brothers and sisters, and enjoy your fandoms. :)
With Love,
I don't think I've posted much recently, but I shall do my absolute best to get on top of that. More blogging for me, yay!
Another thing, anyone else see that new movie X-Men: Days of Future Past?
Ok, not so new. Actually, it came out last year during the Summer. But I have recently seen it, so I'm using that excuse to shamelessly talk about it!
Why? You ask.
Well, until three months ago, I had never touched anything having to do with X-Men.
Don't get me wrong, I really didn't have anything against it, I just had never had any reason to want to watch it before. The plots looked dull, Wolverine was a scary dude (We've talked before on how easily I get scared), and the animation looked horrific (Not gonna lie here, twelve years later, and the animation hasn't gotten much better). Somehow though, the newest X-Men reached my radar, and some months later I had dragged my sister into watching it with me.
I won't go into any boring details on how that came about, but the movie was awesome. Honestly, it changed my opinion on the movie base as a whole. So, I watched all the other X-Men movies in the period of four weeks (Weak game, I know), and finally got to watch The Wolverine. (I watched it after the four week binge, but in m defense, I had forgotten about that particular movie).
There are many deep, and thought inspiring reasons why I love this particular group of superheros. but I'm going to be less insightful today and give a blunt reason as to why I love these movies. (Did I word that correctly? I feel like I worded that wrong.)
I like the characters. Shock of all shock, I know. But the X-Men characters are so distinctive in everything they do that it's nearly impossible not to be attached to at least one of them.
For instance: Logan and his frequent use of "bub", especially when the person he's referring to is on his bad side at the moment.
Kind of weird, vague, and slightly a rant I had to get that out there.
Anyways, live on my nerdy brothers and sisters, and enjoy your fandoms. :)
With Love,
Yes, days of future past was epic. I like it better than the orginal, third one is still painful and depressing. ....