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Friday, August 28, 2015

If Liberty is to Die, Then are We to Die with it?

The air is thick, providing a dense mist that saturates my clothing. It feels like walking underwater.

My boots sludge through the mud as I listen to General Washington's voice echo in my head. Beside me my fellow soldiers tumble on, leaning on each other for support. There is no clear road ahead, all the markings have long since washed away, leaving us to wander with no absolute destination. I'm starting to wonder how much longer I can go without food in such temperatures.

My chances are looking dim.

We pass few homesteads with wives tucked away inside, desperately trying to protect their offspring from the onslaught of illness that practically permeates the air. I can even hear some of the men around me cough half-heartedly while we trudge on forwards on our empty road.

I'm starting to calculate my chances of survival if I myself get ill.

I've decided to write to my family instead.

In the off chance that the letter isn't intercepted, and does, in fact, reach it's destination; I shall spend my next few days in pure enjoyment from the notion that my mother has heard from me. If not, I will spend my weeks mourning the thought that she will never know that my elder brother has passed in the recent course of freedom.

Oh, freedom, thy single word a fresh start whispered from lips with everlasting reassurance of what might be to come. I know that there are those who oppose the idea, but I can't help but find it renewing. Is it not worth our lives to ensure the free lives of our children, their children, and many generations to come? I cannot conceive such a thing to surpass an ideal as therefore mentioned.

If this cause, this reaction is to end with my death, I will have died happy. The thought the we stood for no intolerance, no injustice, and no enslavement provides pride that cannot be matched.

The pride of a bedraggled man, and his growing, independent country.


Hey guys! 

So, because this is a blog about writing, I thought I'd give some of mine to you guys!
Basically based around the revolutionary war, I'm trying out some first person journaling! Not sure how I feel about the style (or beginning) but I'll let you be the judge of that. :) ( My excuse to burn some ideas before writing a long paper in a similar style.)

God bless, 


1 comment:

  1. I like it. It was interesting, good descriptions, the ending, I agree with you on, Im not the best judge of writing but something does feel slightly off
