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Saturday, June 6, 2015

I'm A Little Me

We spend our entire lives trying not to die that I think we've forgotten how to live.

We plan our wills, write out our plans, and prepare for the inevitable. Taking pictures left and right because, "I want to have it forever!"

What are we going to leave our loved ones when we go? Where will we go when we die? And when that doesn't satisfy us, we loom over others pressuring them about their life choices and where they will go when they die. "YODO: You Only Die Once!"

What about life has us believing that it has to be so perfect? What are we missing? Is it love? Is it hate?

It's empathy.

We've forgotten what Jesus has said over and over and over again. We have also forgotten that he has dined with sinners. Not to accept them in their sin, but understand where they are, and lead them to redemption but meeting them where they are at. Doesn't mean he's encouraging or approving their path of sin, he's simply trying to show them the narrow way through understanding and love. No yelling, no heated glares, no scorn, or hatred; but love in it's purest of forms. Love in seeing their pain, and their flaws, but encouraging them to be a better person; to set an example that can inspire them to become a better person.

I'm a little me, and I have little to give. I'm looked over often, I prefer two or three friends instead  500, and I'm not too concerned with much else but family and God. The fact that our God, who had made himself human, had dined with sinners and saints, could possibly love me, is beautiful.

To stop wondering why God has chosen little me, and instead thanking him for it. He's chosen all of us. Some miss it, some embrace it, and some fight it. Our jobs: to meet them where they're at with empathy, in love, to encourage righteousness. There is no greater gift than that, no matter how we are called to do it.

We have forgotten how to live because we think we are alone. I'm a little me, and sometimes that's enough, but with a little me, and a lot of God, there is much to be done. And in this endeavor, being enclosed and scornful will not do. Something I think I'm still learning today, possibly will never stop learning. Thankfully, I have a whole lifetime to practice, however long that may be. :)

In Christ,


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